// 2024

/ BMC.STAF – A Shared Burden for Staff Fees

We would really be blessed if there are those who are able to give to our Staff—there are some from our team that are behind on their contributions for Staff Fees, and we would be very grateful for any amount of help. This is one way you could bless the Base.

To know more about the Staff and what they do at the Juba Base, please contact goywamjuba@gmail.com and have it addressed to ACCOUNTS Office.

/ BM.OBTMT – More Funding for Language Translation Efforts

We are curently helping our brothers and sisters at YWAM Magwi Outreach Centre, South Sudan, who are spearheading the Oral Bible Translation for the Lokoya language. We are in need of some support to help push forward the project. So far, Lokoya now has the Book of Ruth fully translated, orally (audio recordings).

COST : US $2,000.00

PROGRESS : US $0.00 / $2,000.00

To know more about this project, please contact goywamjuba@gmail.com.

/ BM.MISCE – Support for Transportation for Ministries

• We are in need of a simple vehicle—a small van—that we plan to use to get around the city for purposes such as travelling to far places of ministry opportunities and to have the capacity to conduct airport runs (picking up guests or students). A vehicle would really help us reduce our expenses for transportation by a drastic amount. As of this time, we do have a specific model we are looking at which also happens to be available for purchase within the city. This is our current focus but are also wanting to purchase an off-road vehicle to use outside of the city to reach different towns and villages.

COST : US $6,000.00 (inclusive of paperwork and government required documents)

PROGRESS : US $0.00 / $6,000.00

• ALTERNATIVELY, we long to share the Good News to the South Sudanese, however, we are extremely limited with our location. The contacts, churches, and other ministries that we would love to work with are not close to where we are. Our expense on Public Transportation for our team is usually around US$12-15 for a round-trip travel per day or how ever long one ministry in a day would take.

COST per MONTH : US $300.00

For more information regarding these, please contact goywamjuba@gmail.com.

/ BM.PROPT – Classroom Roof Repairs

Over the years and multiple changes in season has brought about a big hole on the roof of our Classroom. A section of the roof has been ruined and the wooden cieling is rotting away. We would love to completely redo the whole section of the roof and replace those iron sheets with new ones (better quality) and those rotting cieling section. A little goes a long way for our small simple classroom.

COST : US $300.00

PROGRESS : US $0.00 / $300.00

For more information regarding this repair project, please contact goywamjuba@gmail.com.

/ BM.MERCY – Mercy Ministries : Humanitarian Aid

We have a good relationship with an IDP (Internally Displaced Peoples) Camp and have been wanting to help the churches in that area by providing basic food items for them—such as sacks of various Beans, Flour, Maize Flour, Rice, and Cooking Oil. Most from this camp have little provision of food despite being in a government camp. What we want to see happen is a steady stream of support for us to be able to really provide, at the very least, the bare minimum for them to start thriving in the very restrictive space that they are currently on. Through you partnership with us in this, we would all be able to provide these things for them.


PROGRESS per MONTH : US $0.00 / $400.00

For more information regarding this ministry, please contact goywamjuba@gmail.com.

All information listed above are up to date, as of 03 APR 2024

What to look out for 2025 :

// APR : US $3,000.00 or SS £6,900,000.00
Discipleship Training SchoolDTS 2025

/ BS.SCHLS – School
  • Classroom Repairs (•iron sheets for roof •classroom re-walling •similar items)
  • Classroom Refurbishing (•tables •chairs •whiteboard •similar items)
  • Initial Supplies (•notebooks •pens and pencils •student manuals •similar items)
/ BM.ACMDT – Accomodation

Student Dormitories (•mattresses •sheets and fittings •mosquito nets •bedframe repairs)

/ BM.PROPT – Property

Facilities for Students (•bathroom pipe works repairs •toilet repairs •re-wiring rooms •fans and light reparis)

For this category (the whole of 2025), the ACCOUNTS Office will start accepting gifts, donations, and support from 01 NOV 2024.
However, we are still open for reconsideration. Just send us an email at goywamjuba@gmail.com and on Subject put “To ACCOUNTS Office”.

All information listed above, but not beyond this segment, are up to date, as of 03 APR 2024

For any request, concern or reports regarding the information on this page or anywhere else on the website, please do not hesitate to contact info@ywamjuba-uic.org

Youth With A Mission – Juba, South Sudan [YWAM Juba] and its internal ministry the Unified Information Centre [UIC] are both the publication and issuing authority of the information provided above. We declare that all information displayed on this website are truthful and do not disobey or infringe on any laws in the country of operation—South Sudan. It is, however, important to note that the information displayed above may change without prior notice [this includes updates and corrections that must occur given certain internal circumstances such as change in Service Status]. YWAM Juba and the UIC reserves the right to alter, change, edit, move, remove, delete, redact, retract, or unpublish any page in this website in whole or in part at any point in time without prior notice.

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